What is a psychiatric service dog?

Psychiatric Service Dogs play a crucial role in assisting individuals with psychiatric disabilities, offering invaluable support through a wide range of specialized tasks that are personalized to meet the unique needs of each handler. From providing emotional comfort during times of distress to facilitating daily activities such as prompting medication routines or guiding their handlers in public spaces, their unwavering loyalty can significantly enhance the overall quality of life for individuals facing mental health challenges.

What is a therapy dog?

A therapy dog is trained to comfort and support individuals in places like hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and disaster sites. They offer emotional support, companionship, and are well-behaved to interact calmly. Therapy dogs reduce anxiety and enhance well-being.

Who qualifies for a psychiatric service dog?

To qualify for a Psychiatric Service Dog, individuals must have a diagnosed psychiatric disability. They must show how the condition limits major life activities. A mental health professional assesses the need for a psychiatric service dog in their treatment. The evaluation ensures the dog can help alleviate symptoms and enhance their quality of life. This process involves specific steps and criteria to verify the dog's necessity and benefit to the treatment plan. The person must also be able to participate in the dog's training process and care.

Who qualifies for a therapy dog?

While service dogs are typically associated with assisting individuals with disabilities, it is important to note that therapy dogs can also provide valuable support to nondisabled individuals who work with vulnerable populations. For instance, a school counselor who utilizes a therapy dog in sessions can greatly benefit from the presence of the dog to create a calming and comforting environment for students in need. Similarly, hospital staff members who bring therapy dogs to individuals undergoing treatment can help reduce anxiety and stress, thereby improving the overall well-being of the patients. By recognizing the versatility of therapy dogs, we can expand their reach and impact to benefit a wider range of individuals in various settings.

What does a Psychiatric Service Dog do?

Psychiatric service dogs assist individuals with mental or physical disabilities by providing security, comfort, alerts, behavior interruption, guidance, grounding techniques, medication reminders, and emotional support. They are task trained specifically to each person's needs to foster quality of life and independence. Note that this is different than an emotional support dog. Our dogs are specially trained to aid in their handler’s disability.

How much does a service dog or therapy dog cost?

The cost of a service dog can vary significantly depending on various factors such as training, certification, and specific needs of the individual. On average, the cost of obtaining a fully trained service dog can range from $15,000 to $30,000 or more. It is important to note that these costs cover expenses associated with breeding, raising, training, and healthcare for the service dog. Additionally, ongoing costs for food, grooming, veterinary care, and equipment may apply. Therapy dogs, which provide emotional support to individuals but are not specifically trained to perform tasks, may have lower costs associated with their acquisition and care.

How much does a dog from Coastal Canines cost?

At Coastal Canines, our dogs are offered on a sliding scale based on financial need to ensure that everyone has access to our services. In addition, we provide opportunities for recipients to fundraise, empowering them to take an active role in the process of being matched with a service dog that best meets their needs.

What does your program look like?

Our program stands out from traditional service dog programs by actively involving recipients in training their own dogs. Recipients participate in twice weekly group training classes with our experienced trainer, applying the lessons learned throughout the week. This unique approach reduces waitlist times for recipients and fosters a stronger bond between the handler and the service dog.

Where do you get your dogs?

At Coastal Canines, we recognize the moral obligation to adopt and not shop. We believe it is our duty to give any puppy we can a fighting chance for a good home. All of our dogs are carefully sourced from The Heroic Tail, a local San Diego nonprofit dog rescue that specializes in animal behavior. This dedicated nonprofit expertly conducts temperament tests on all of our puppies to ensure they are well-suited for their important roles as service animals, giving these pups a second chance at life.

Can you train my personal dog for service or therapy work?

Yes! It is indeed possible to work with your personal dog as long as they possess the suitable temperament to successfully complete the required training and testing. Engaging with our dedicated trainer in our group classes serves as an ideal method to prepare your personal dog for service or therapy dog duties. This approach not only offers the necessary guidance and resources but also eliminates the need to introduce a completely new member to your family.